Travel Blogger Medan: Woody Coffeeshop and Bar, Cafe Indonesia Bernuansa ala Eropa

Konsep Dekorasi Woody Coffeeshop & Bar

Menenangkan pikiran tidak hanya di tempat yang sepi atau sunyi. Bisa saja dilakukan di sebuah cafe atau bar. Nah, waktu itu bocah udik ditelepon oleh temannya yang lagi galau. Bocah udik diajak ke cafe untuk mendengarkan curhatan temannya. Heran dong si bocah. Mau curhat kog diajak ke cafe? Kan bisa tidak nyaman.

Calm our mind is not just in a quiet place. It could be done in a cafe or bar. Well, bocah udik was called by his friend who got trouble. Bocah udik was taken to the cafe to hear the vents. Really wonder. Want to vent but invited to the cafe? It could be uncomfortable.

Namun setelah melihat cafe ini, bocah udik pun menggumam dalam hati. "Ini cafe suasananya bagus banget. Bolehlah bawa pacar kesini kalau ngedate". Sepintas pikiran itu hilang setelah duduk di kursi. Dan pantas saja kalau temannya membawa bocah udik ke cafe yang memiliki konsep ala Eropa itu.

But after saw the cafe, bocah udik was muttering to himself. "The situation of its cafe is really good. So, can bring my girlfriend here to hang out". That mind lost after sat on a chair. That's why his friend took bocah udik to the cafe which has the concept like European style.

Jika cafe pada umumnya identik dengan keramaian dan terlalu bising, cafe yang satu itu tidak demikian. Penuh dengan suasana yang sangat romantis, tenang, dan hangat.

If the cafe is generally synonymous with hustle and too noisy, this cafe is not. Full of romantic situation, quiet, and warm.

Ya, inilah Woody Coffeeshop and Bar. Cafe itu terletak di Jalan Gajah Mada Komplek Batam Park tepat di samping Hotel Da Viena Penuin Batam, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Cafe itu sangat unik karena letaknya juga berada di Lantai 2 Alfamart (Baru kali ini bocah udik liat cafe di atas swalayan). Tapi tunggu sebentar. Sepintas bocah udik teringat dengan film kartun Woody Wood Packer. Film yang pemerannya burung pelatuk itu mengembalikan memori si bocah. "Apa mungkin konsep Woody Coffeeshop and Bar ini diambil dari film Woody Wood Packer?". Seperti yang kita ketahui kalau si burung pelatuk tinggal di dalam batang pohon, bukan? Nah, cafe itu letaknya di atas swalayan. Kan hampir mirip.

Yes, this is Woody Coffeeshop and Bar. It is located on Jalan Gajah Mada Komplek Batam Park exactly next to the Da Viena Hotel Penuin Batam, Riau Islands Province. It is very unique because the cafe also located on the 2nd floor Alfamart. (It was the first time for bocah udik saw cafe above the supermarket). But wait! At first glance, bocah udik remember about the cartoon Woody Wood Packer. The film's cast woodpecker restored memory of bocah udik. "Maybe Woody Coffeeshop and Bar concept is taken from the movie Woody Wood Packer?". As we know that the woodpecker lives in the trunk, right? Well, it is located above the supermarket. It is almost like Woody Woodpecker.

Woody Coffeeshop and Bar memiliki konsep Eropa Klasik. Suasana Eropanya benar-benar terasa. Mulai dari pemilihan kursi, meja, hingga konsep bar yang begitu klasik. Alunan musik yang didengarkan juga terdengar sangat romantis.

Woody Coffeeshop and Bar has a classic European concept. European atmosphere really feels. From the selection of chairs, tables, until the bar is really classic concept. The music that you are going to listened also sounds very romantic.

Para Pengunjung Yang Menikmati Suasana di Woody Coffeeshop & Bar

Ornamen-ornamen yang terpajang juga sangat klasik. Di dinding bar terpampang piring-piring kuno. Gelas kristal juga bergantungan dengan rapi. Selain itu, tergores tulisan seni di dinding lainnya. Bisalah untuk exis sambil berfoto dan diunggah ke social media.

The ornaments are displayed very classic. The walls are plastered by bar fashioned platters. Crystal glass are also hung neatly. Additionally, scratched inscription on the other wall art. We could exis while taking pictures and uploaded to social media.

Kemudian bocah udik pun bertanya kepada pegawai cafe. Mereka ramah banget. Karena terlalu udiknya, bocah udik bertanya tentang hiburan yang disediakan. Ternyata di Woody Coffeeshop and Bar ada live music juga pada weekend seperti hari jum'at dan sabtu.

Then bocah udik asked the employees cafe. They were really friendly. Because too hick, bocah udik asked about the entertainment they provide. In Woody Coffeeshop and Bar there is live music on the weekend as well as Friday and Saturday.

Kemudian bocah udik bertanya lagi tentang menu yang disediakan dan yang paling banyak diminati oleh pengunjung. Si pegawai menjelaskan panjang lebar tentang menu makanan dan minuman yang ada di Woody Coffeeshop and Bar.

Then bocah udik asked again about the menus they provide and most of demand by visitors. The employee explained at length about the food and drink menu in Woody Coffee Shop and Bar.

Di cafe itu pengunjung bisa merasakan berbagai minuman ala Western. Seperti Cocktail atau minuman berakohol. Ada Herbal Woody, Blue Exotic Woody, LT 2 Woody, dan banyak lagi. Seluruh minuman Cocktail itu diracik oleh para bartender dari luar daerah. Nah, Cocktail yang paling banyak diminati adalah Herbal Woody. Minuman ini diracik oleh bartender asal Bandung. Komposisi Herbal Woody ini berasal dari rempah-rempah. JARANG BANGET LHO MINUMAN BERAKOHOL YANG KOMPOSISINYA BERASAL DARI REMPAH-REMPAH. Jadi, kita bisa menemukannya di Woody Coffeeshop and Bar. Selain itu, harganyapun cukup terjangkau. Hanya membayar Rp 90 ribu, kita bisa menikmati minuman tersebut.

In this cafe, visitors can taste a variety of Western-style beverages. Such as Cocktail or the other alcoholic beverages. Like Woody Herbs, Blue Exotic Woody, Woody LT 2, and many more. All Cocktail was prepared by the bartender from outside Batam. The best Cocktail is Herbal Woody. This drink is prepared by bartender from Bandung. Woody Herbal composition is derived from spices. It is alcoholic beverages whose composition comes from spices. So, we can find it in Woody Coffeeshop and Bar. In addition, the price is quite affordable. Only pay Rp 90 thousand, we could enjoy the drink.

Karena bocah udik tidak bisa minum-minuman berakohol, si pegawai menawarkan Mocktail. Minuman ini sama seperti Cocktail tapi tidak berakohol. Ada berbagai varian Mocktail yang ditawarkan. Salah satunya adalah Virgin Mujito. Minuman ini juga paling diminati oleh pengunjung. Karena dengar penjelasan dari pegawai yang ramah, langsung aja deh si bocah udik pesan Virgin Mujito. Ternyata setelah diminum, rasanya enak banget. Dalam Virgin Mujito terdapat perasan jeruk nipis dan daun mint. Pantas saja rasanya segar. Harganya juga murah hanya Rp 27 ribu.

Because bocah udik can not drink the alcoholic, the employee offered Mocktail. These drinks are like cocktails but not an alcohol. There are different variants of Mocktail are offered. One is Virgin Mujito. These drink is also the most in demand by visitors. Due to hear an explanation of the employees were friendly, bocah udik asked Virgin Mujito. It turned out that after drinking, it was awful. Virgin Mujito contained in the lime juice and mint leaves. No wonder it tastes are fresh. The price is also cheap only Rp 27 thousand.

Mocktail Virgin Mujito

Untuk pencinta kopi, di Woody Coffeeshop and Bar juga tersedia Single Original Coffee dengan pembuatan V60 or French Press. Seluruh bahan kopi berasal dari daerah Indonesia lho. Seperti Aceh Gayo, Malabar, Bali Kintamani, dan daerah lainnya. Rata-rata harganya hanya Rp 20 ribu.

For coffee lovers, in Woody Coffeeshop and Bar are also available Single Original Coffee with V60 manufacture or French Press. It all from local Indonesian coffee. As Aceh Gayo, Malabar, Bali Kintamani, and other areas. The price is only Rp 20 thousand.

Selain minuman, Woody Coffeeshop and Bar juga menyediakan berbagai makanan. Namun sayang saat itu bocah udik tidak pesan makanan karena terlalu kenyang dengar curhatan temannya. Padahal kalau liat dari menu, semua makanan terlihat enak banget. Tapi ya sudah lah. Lain kali bisa makan disana lagi kog.

In addition to drinks, Woody Coffeeshop and Bar also provides a variety of foods. But unfortunately bocah udik did not order the food because too full to hear the vent of his friend. However, if look at the menu, all the foods are looked delicious. But don't be worry. Next time could come and eat over there again.

Singkat cerita, bocah udik dan temannya cerita ngalor-ngidul hingga tidak terasa sampai jam 12 malam. Karena takut diusir, si bocah bertanya pada pegawai cafe lagi. Dan ternyata Woody Coffeeshop and Bar beroperasi dari jam 10 pagi hingga jam 2 pagi. Nah, curhatanpun kembali dilanjutkan. Apalagi ada diskon 20 persen untuk all item dan 30 persen untuk botolan. Makin betah deh di Woody Coffeeshop and Bar. Ditambah lagi posisi duduk kami menghadap ke jalan. Benar-benar dapat melihat pemandangan yang bagus di malam hari. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Bocah Udik aja sudah mengunjungi Cafe nuansa Eropa Klasik. Masa kalian yang orang sosialitah belum datang?

Bye the way, bocah udik and his friend talk until midnight. Due to fear of being evicted, bocah udik asked the employee about the operate of Woody Coffeeshop and Bar. Woody Coffeeshop and Bar operates from 10 am to 2 am. Well, the vents are resumed. Moreover, there is a 20 percent discount on all items and 30 percent for bottled. Really comfortable in Woody Coffeeshop and Bar. We seated on the position facing the street. Really can see a nice view in the night. So what are you waiting for? Bocah udik had visited the cafe like European Classic Style. When the Sosialitah turn to come?

Bocah Udik Yang Menikmati Virgin Mujito

Ruangan Yang Ada di Woody Coffeeshop & Bar

Info Potongan Harga di Woody Coffeeshop & Bar

Woody Coffeeshop & Bar Tampak Dari Depan

Woody Coffeeshop & Bar

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