Travel Blogger Medan: Airyrooms Berhasil Buat Promo Heboh

Type Airy Rooms Deluxe Rom Only

Tidur di hotel yang harganya murah tapi kualitas istimewa, mungkinkah? Pastilah mungkin. Buktinya bocah udik sudah merasakannya kog. Nah, kalau tidak percaya, bocah udik akan menceritakan pengalaman tidur di hotel tersebut. Hotel yang padahal letaknya tidak jauh dari apartment bocah udik. Hanya sekitar 5 menit jika menggunakan sepeda motor.

Sleep in cheap hotel with the luxurious quality, is it possible? It must be possible. Bocah udik has already felt it. Well, if don't believe, bocah udik will share the experience of sleeping in the hotel. The Hotel is not far from the apartment of bocah udik. Only about 5 minutes if riding a motorcycle.

Hotel itu berada di Komplek Purimas Block C No. 25 - 28 Batam, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Kalau sudah sampai di alamat tersebut, pasti akan menemukan Kaliban Hotel. Tapi tenang dulu dan jangan khawatir karena memang tidak salah dan disitulah tempatnya.

It is located at Komplek Purimas Block C No. 25 - 28 Batam, Riau Islands Province. If you've got the address, you will find Kaliban Hotel. But don't worry and keep calm because it is not wrong and that's the place.

Jadi, Kaliban Hotel bekerjasama dengan Airyrooms. Apa itu Airyrooms? Airyrooms adalah perusahaan teknologi yang mengelola kamar-kamar berkualitas dengan harga terjangkau. Perusahaan tersebut merupakan Accomodation Network Orchestor (ANO) yang memang bekerjasama dengan hotel budget terbaik di seluruh Indonesia.

So, Kaliban Hotel make collaboration with Airyrooms. What it Airyrooms? Airyrooms is a technology company that manages quality rooms at affordable rates. The company is a Network Accomodation Orchestor (ANO), which is in collaboration with the best budget hotels throughout Indonesia.

Nah, setiap hotel yang bekerjasama dengan Airyrooms memiliki nama yang berbeda-beda dengan hotel aslinya. Kalau untuk Kaliban Hotel, namanya adalah Airy Puri Mas Residence Raja Isa Batam. Meski namanya berbeda, tapi kualitasnya sama saja.

Well, every hotel in cooperation with Airyrooms has a different name from the original hotel. If for Kaliban Hotel, its name is Airy Puri Mas Residence Raja Isa Batam. Although the name is different, but the quality is just the same.

Waktu itu ada promo potongan harga dari Airyrooms dari tanggal 30 desember 2016 sampai 01 januari 2017. Promonya tidak tanggung-tanggung hingga 80 persen. Slogan promonya HEBOH atau HEmat Tanpa BOHong. Karena penasaran, bocah udik langsung membuka website Airyrooms untuk melihat kebenarannya. Dan ternyata memang benar.

At that time, there was discount promo of Airyrooms from 30 December 2016 to 01 January 2017. The promo was up to 80 percent. The slogan of promo was HEBOH (HEmat tanpa BOHong) or saving without a lie. Out of curiosity, bocah udik did open the website airyrooms to see the truth. And it's true.

Promo Heboh Dari Airyrooms

Lalu lanjut cari hotel murah yang dekat dengan apartment bocah udik. Dan muncul nama Airy Puri Mas Residence Raja Isa Batam. Bocah udik pilih type kamar Airy rooms deluxe room. Waktu itu harganya Rp 375.250 dan diberi potongan harga atau discount 80 persen, menjadi Rp 75.050. Karena tertarik, langsung deh di booking kamar hotel. Makanya bocah udik bisa tidur satu malaman di hotel tersebut.

And then found a cheap hotel which is near the apartment of bocah udik. And saw Airy Puri Mas Residence Raja Isa Batam. Bocah udik selected deluxe room type of Airy rooms. At that time, the price was Rp 375.250 and got discount 80 percent, to be Rp 75.050. Because of interested, bocah udik booked the hotel directly. And bocah udik could sleep all night in the hotel.

By the way, harga tersebut belum include breakfast. Kalau mau nambah untuk sarapan pagi, bisa bayar ke Kaliban Hotel sebesar Rp 35 ribu. Semua makanan boleh dirasakan sepuasnya. Yang peting tidak takut gendut aja. Bagi yang tidak mau sarapan di hotel, sekitaran Kaliban Hotel ada banyak penjual makanan. Jadi pilih mana saja yang enak. Kalau bocah udik sih tidak sarapan di hotel. Maklum saja, untuk hemat budget harus makan di luar atau sekitar hotel.

By the way, the price did not include breakfast. If wanted to add breakfast, must paid to Kaliban Hotel Rp 35 thousand. All foods could be tasted. The important things is not afraid to be fat. For those who does not want breakfast at the hotel, there are plenty of food vendors around Kaliban Hotel. So, its all up to you. If bocah udik has not breakfast at the hotel. It was for saving the budget must eat outside or around the hotel.

Terus cara bookingnya gimana? Buka aja website Airyrooms, lalu pilih kamar yang diinginkan seperti bocah udik lakukan tadi. Kemudian isi data, pesan dan bayar melalui website airyrooms, lalu muncul voucher di e-mail balasan, lanjut check in deh.

And then, how to booked it? Open the website of Airyrooms, then select the desired room like bocah udik had done. After that fill the data, booked and pay through the website airyrooms, and get appeared voucher in an e-mail, and go to check in.

Sesampainya di Airy Puri Mas Residence Raja Isa Batam dan check in ke dalam kamar, ternyata bagus banget. No smoking area karena Airyrooms mengutamakan kebersihan dan kenyamanan. Di dalam kamar type Airy rooms deluxe room terdapat berbagai fasilitas yang mewah. Padahal harganya sangat murah. Apa mungkin karena potongan harga ya? Ntahlah, namanya bocah udik pasti tidak ada mikir kesana. Yang penting tidur di hotel kan.

Arriving at Airy Puri Mas Residence Raja Isa Batam and checked in to the room, it turned out really good. No smoking area because Airyrooms has priority to cleanliness and comfort. In deluxe room type of Airyrooms, there are a variety of luxurious amenities. Though the price is very cheap. What is caused by discount? I did not know, bocah udik did not think so far. The important thing can sleep in the hotel.

Kamar Hotel Yang Nyaman Dari Airyrooms

Kemudian bocah udik menjelajahi isi kamarnya. Type Airy rooms deluxe room itu tersedia Makanan, Snack, Minuman, Tivi, Wifi, Lemari, Air Condotioner, Teko masak air, pokoknya lengkap deh. Setelah menjelajahi kamar, bocah udik lihat kamar mandinya juga. Luas lho kamar mandinya. Tapi waktu itu tidak ada handuknya. Kog bisa? Ga tau deh. Bocah udik langsung aja telepon receptionist untuk minta handuk. Masa mau mandi ga ada handuknya. Walaupun udik kan tetap ingin kelihatan elite dan elegant juga.

Then bocah udik explored the contents of his room. Deluxe room type of Airy rooms was provided food, Snack, Beverage, Tivi, Wifi, Wardrobe, Air condotioner, kettle cooking water, really complete anyway. After exploring the room, bocah udik saw the bathroom as well. Really large. But at that time, there was no a towel. How came? Bocah udik did not know. Bocah udik called receptionist immediately to ask the towels. How came take a bath without towel. Even very hick, bocah udik still wanted to look elite and elegant as well.

Tibalah waktunya untuk tidur di kamar hotel. Rasanya pulas banget waktu tidur disana. Lama banget menjelang pagi. Kasurnya empuk banget. Beda dengan apartement bocah udik yang hanya pake tikar. Kamarnya juga dingin. Maklum aja pake air conditioner. Lagian selama ini kan ga pernah tidur pake itu. Bocah udik hanya pake kipas angin aja di apartmentnya. Pokoknya enaklah nginap di Airy Puri Mas Residence Raja Isa Batam.

It's time to sleep in the hotel room. It felt really comfort in there. The morning was really long. The bed is very soft. So different with apartment of bocah udik which is used a mattress. The room is also cold. Because used air conditioner. Anyway bocah udik does not use it. Bocah udik uses the fan in apartment. Anyway really nice to sleep in Airy Puri Mas Residence Raja Isa Batam.

Dari kamar hotel bocah udik menginap, disuguhkan pemandangan yang bagus lho. Bisa juga melihat bangunan perumahan di Batam dari ketinggian. Jalan raya di daerah Batam Centre juga terlihat dari sana. Terlebih kalau malam, cahaya lampu jalan raya sangat indah dilihat. Benar-benar beruntung tinggal di hotel itu.

From the hotel room of bocah udik stay, can see nice view. Could also see residential building in Batam from a height. The highway in the area of ​​Batam Centre can be seen from there. Especially when the night, the lights highway very beautiful. Really lucky to stay at that hotel.

Pemandangan Dari Kamar

Jadi, Airy Puri Mas Residence Raja Isa Batam dari Airyrooms itu benar-benar memberikan pelayanan terbaik deh. Bocah udik berhasil dibuat HEBOH oleh promonya. Benar-benar HEmat Tanpa BOHong lah promo dari Airyrooms. Tapi sebenarnya, walaupun ga ada promo, kamar serupa yang di booking oleh bocah udik jika dibandingkan dengan hotel lain, Airy Puri Mas Residence Raja Isa Batam masih tergolong murah dan hemat kog. Karena bocah udik sudah membandingkan harga-harganya dengan hotel lain.

So, Airy Puri Mas Residence Raja Isa Batam from Airyrooms is really provide the best services. Successfully made bocah udik to be HEBOH by its promo. Save without a lie is the promo of Airyrooms. But actually, although not promo, the similar room like bocah udik did booked if is compared to other hotels, Airy Puri Mas Residence Raja Isa Batam still relatively cheap and frugal. Because bocah udik has already comparing their prices with other hotels.

Buat para bocah udik yang lain dan mau tidur di hotel murah terjangkau dengan kualitas super mewah, buka aja deh website Airyrooms. Cari lokasi hotel yang diinginkan. Airyrooms banyak kerjasama dengan seluruh hotel yang ada di Indonesia.

For you who wants to sleep in a cheap hotel with super quality affordable luxury, visit website of Airyrooms. Search locations you want. Airyrooms has lot of cooperation with all existing hotels in Indonesia.

Cuma ada sih masukan buat Airy Puri Mas Residence Raja Isa Batam atau Kaliban Hotel harus sediakan Genset atau mesin pembangkit listrik. Karena kemarin itu kan bocah udik tidur disana. Kemudian listrik padam akibat ada kerusakan pada PLN. Kebetulan bocah udik mau turun ke lantai 1 karena ada keperluan. Waktu itu, bocah udik tidurnya di kamar 707. Kebayang dong kalau listrik padam, lift pasti tidak beroperasi. Jadi, akhirnya bocah udik pun turun melalui tangga darurat. Bayangkan turun dari lantai 7 ke lantai 1. Pasti yang badannya kurus, semakin kurus.

But there is suggestion for Airy Puri Mas Residence Raja Isa Batam or Kaliban Hotel should provide generator or engine power. Because when bocah udik slept in there, the power was off. Then there are power outages due to damage to the PLN. Incidentally bocah udik must went to the first floor because there was important thing. At that time, bocah udik slept in room 707. Could you Imagine if the power turn out, the elevator was definitely not operating. So, finally bocah udik had down through the emergency stairs. Imagine went from the 7th floor to 1st floor. The slim body to be more slim definitely.

Beberapa Snack Dan Marchendise Dari Airyrooms

Toiletry Bag di Kamar Mandi

Kamar Mandi Dari Airyrooms
Balasan E-Mail Dari Airyrooms


  1. Replies
    1. Asyik banget kakak... Heboh kali pun. Akibat hebohnya, bocah udik lompat kegirangan. Hehehe

  2. si Udik mulai jadi anak gaul di kota...tidurnya udah dari hotel ke hotel ajah...ntar lagi dari resort ke resort....hahahah

    1. Alhamdulillah.... Aamiin ya Allah... Nanti kita harus jalan bareng ya kak... Hehehe
