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Property Joker Game dan 1965 di Infinite Studios Batam |
Pagi itu sudah cerah. Namun cuaca sedikit tidak mendukung karena hujan yang tidak terlalu lebat tapi membasahkan pakaian. Bocah udik dengan seorang blogger sudah membuat janji untuk bertemu di SPBU dekat perumahan Taman Kurnia Djaya Alam, Batam. Kami mau menuju ke sebuah Studio Film dan Animasi terbesar di Indonesia yang sudah dijadwalkan oleh Blogger Kepri untuk mengulas studio itu.
The morning was so bright. But the weather didn't support because of the rain was not too heavy but made clothes be wet. Bocah udik with a blogger have made an appointment to met at the gas station near Taman Kurnia Djaya Alam, Batam. We wanted to get to the biggest Studios of Film and Animation in Indonesia that have been scheduled by Blogger Kepri to review the studio.
Infinite Studios Batam. Studio Film dan Animasi itu merupakan tempat lokasi syuting film luar negeri. Studio itu merupakan studio Film terbesar di Indonesia. Disana juga terdapat soundstage yang pernah di klaim terbesar se Asia Tenggara namun saat ini sudah diambil alih oleh Malaysia.
Infinite Studios Batam. Studios of Film and Animation is the site of filming abroad. The studio is the largest film studio in Indonesia. There are also soundstage which was claimed the largest in Southeast Asia, but it's been taken over by Malaysia.
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Ruang Serbaguna di Infinite Studios Batam |
Infinite Studios Batam berada di Jalan Hang Lekiu Nongsa, Batam, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Infinite Studios Batam merupakan studio film yang paling maju sejak tahun 2005. Luasnya berada di area lahan 10 hektare. Uniknya, seluruh properti yang digunakan tidak permanen. Bangunannya bisa dibongkar jika diperlukan untuk keperluan syuting film lainnya.
Infinite Studios Batam is located in Jalan Hang Lekiu Nongsa, Batam, Riau Islands Province. Infinite Studios Batam is the most advanced movie studio since 2005. The breadth is in the land area of 10 hectares. Uniquely, all properties are not permanent. The building can be dismantled if necessary to shoot another film.
Di studio itu tidak sembarang orang dapat masuk karena bukan tempat wisata. Harus diperksa terlebih dahulu. Saat memasuki Infinite Studios Batam, terdapat bangunan Ruang Serba Guna. Di ruangan itu terdapat berbagai lukisan dan piano. Ada juga susunan kursi seperti di teater. Ruangan itu juga bisa digunakan sebagai tempat pertemuan atau resepsi.
No one can enter the Infinite Studios Batam because it is not tourism spot. everyone should be checked before entering the studios. When entering the Infinite Studios Batam, there was Ruang Serbaguna. In the room, there were paintings and piano. There were also seats which arrangement as in the theater. The room can also be used as a meeting or reception.
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Lukisan di Ruang Serbaguna Infinite Studios Batam |
Di belakang ruangan, terdapat jam dinding raksasa dan motor vespa serta properti lainnya. Jam raksasa itu ternyata bekas properti dari Film Joker Game, Film Jepang yang dirilis pada tahun 2015. Sementara Vespa dan properti lainnya untuk syuting film 1965. Film itu bercerita tentang kemerdekaan Singapura.
Behind the room, there was a giant clock, a vespa, and other property. The giant clock was used as the former property of Joker Game Movies, Japanese Movies released in 2015. The Vespa and other properties for the filming of the 1965 film that tells the story of Singapore's independence.
Bocah udik dan para Blogger Kepri menyusuri studio Office Infinite Studios Batam. Di dindingnya terpajang poster-poster Film dan Animasi yang pernah syuting di studio itu. Disana juga terdapat ruang wardrope, make up, dan soundstage.
Bocah udik and Blogger Kepri down the studio office of Infinite Studios Batam. On the walls were framed posters of Film and Animation which ever shot in the studio. There were also wardrope space, make up, and the soundstage.
Soundstage itu luasnya 30 ribu meter persegi dan 14 ribu meter persegi. Properti di soundstage sudah ada yang dihancurkan. Hanya terdapat puing kabin pesawat bekas film I Love You From 3.800 Feet yang diputar tahun 2016 kemarin. Ada juga bekas sumur untuk film Headshot yang dibintangi oleh Iko Uwais pada tahun 2016.
Soundstage was the extent of 30 thousand square meters and 14 thousand square meters. Property in an existing soundstage that was destroyed. There was only a former aircraft cabin debris film I Love You From 3,800 Feet and released in 2016. There was also a well for the film former Headshot starring Iko Uwais in 2016.
Di soundstage yang lain terdapat bekas film Half World Season 2. Disana terdapat beberapa ruangan yang masih lengkap. Seperti klub malam di Bangkok, Kerangkeng dan Tribun penonton, Panggung, dan lainnya. Film itu sudah tayang pada januari kemarin.
There was another soundstage in the film former World Half Season 2. There were some rooms that still incomplete. Like a nightclub in Bangkok, The Cage and Tribune audience, stage, and more. The film was aired in January yesterday.
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Property Half World Season 2 di Infinite Studios Batam |
Di area itu juga terdapat ruang penyiksaan bekas film Dead Mine pada tahun 2011. Ruangan itu masih lengkap karena terdapat kursi dan rantai untuk penyiksaan. Jalan menuju ruangan itu seperti di bawah tanah. Sangat gelap.
In the area was also a former torture chambers movie Dead Mine in 2011. The room was still incomplete because there was a chair and chain for torture. The road leading to the room was like underground or banker. Very dark.
Setelah dari soundstage, bocah udik menuju studio outdoor dari Infinite Studios Batam. Studio itu sudah beberapa kali dijadikan tempat syuting film-film luar negeri. Salah satunya Serangoon Road yang diputar tahun 2003 kemarin. Bangunan di studio itu seperti bangunan asli. Dibuat seperti China town atau kota tua.
After the soundstage, bocah udik and Blogger Kepri toward the outdoor studio of Infinite Studios Batam. The studio was already several times that made the set of foreign films. One of them was Serangoon Road in 2003 yesterday. The buildings in the studio were like the original building. Created as China town or the old town.
Masih di tempat yang sama, terdapat halte bus, bengkel sepeda, took baju, hingga toko obat. Tinggi bangunan juga berbeda-beda. Seperti rumah asli padahal hanya properti yang terbuat dari kayu atau gypsum. Di belakang area terdapat bangkai pesawat bekas film I Love You From 3.800 Feets.
Still in the same place, there was bus stops, bike repair, clothing stores, to the drugstores. The High of buildings were also different. Like the original house although the properties were made of wood or gypsum. In the back of area, there was wreckage for movie I Love You From 3800 Feets.
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Property Sumur Film Headshot |
Kalau lihat dari banyaknya film yang diproduksi disana, Batam harusnya bangga karena punya studio film dan animasi besar. Saat ini Infinite Studios Batam itu memiliki animator sekitar 250 orang. Namun jumlahnya akan ditambah karena banyak Film dan Animasi yang diproduksi disana.
If see from the many films which are produced in there, Batam should be proud to have a big studio film and animation. Now Infinite Studios Batam has animator about 250 people. However, it will be added because many movies and animations that are produced there.
Bocah udik pernah berpikiran untuk berphoto disana, dan Alhamdulillah kemarin sudah tercapai. Photo di jam raksasa bekas film Joker Game. Terima kasih Infinite Studios Batam dan Blogger Kepri. I’m so blessed and proud.
Bocah udik ever thought to photo in there, and Alhamdulillah yesterday has been reached. Bocah udik photo in the giant clock of Film Joker Game. Thanks Infinite Studios Batam and Blogger Kepri. I'm so blessed and proud.
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Property Cabin Pesawat Film I Love You From 3.800 Feets |
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Property Bangkai Pesawat Film I Love You From 3.800 Feets |
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Property Film Dead Mine di Infinite Studios Batam |
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Property Film Dead Mine |
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Property Dead Mine |
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Property Dead Mine |
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Suasana China Town di Infinite Studios Batam |
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Toko China Town di Infinite Studios Batam |
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Bocah Udik di Property Film Joker Game dan Film 1965 |
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Property di Infinite Studios Batam |
blog yang bagus, disertai 2 bahasa...kreatif loh
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih kakak... Ini ide dari mas Danan, blogger kece. :D
Deletedua bahasa....
ReplyDeletekece mas...
Terima kasih Ira :D
DeletePetualangan trip yang menyenangkan, mengunjungi salah satu studio pembuatan film terbesar di Asia Tenggara ada di Batam. Nice post Alfie.
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih kakak :D
DeleteBangga deh jadi orang Batam, tempat syutingnya keren.
ReplyDeleteHarus dong... Bocah udik aja yang bukan orang Batam, bangga banget. Apalagi ini studio film dan animasi terbesar di Indonesia dan pernah se Asia Tenggara. :D
Deletewaktu itu aku nggak bisa ikutan, hiks
ReplyDeleteNanti bisa kesana lagi kog sist