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The Mosque of Baiturrahmah in Padang, West Sumatera |
Tidak banyak informasi yang bocah udik dapatkan saat mengunjungi Masjid Baiturrahmah. Karena saat mengunjungi masjid ini, bocah udik dan teman-temannya datang larut malam. Itu pun hanya melihat dari luar saja. Kami tidak masuk ke dalam Masjid Baiturrahmah ini.
Not much information that bocah udik got when visiting the Mosque of Baiturrahmah (Masjid Baiturrahmah). Because while visited this mosque, bocah udik and his friends came late at night. It was just looking from the outside only. We did not enter this Masjid Baiturrahmah.
Cahaya berwarna hijau tampak menyinari seluruh area Masjid Baiturrahmah. Saat itu, Pagar kokoh menyambut kedatangan kami. Di luar Masjid Baiturrahmah terdapat air mancur. Ada beberapa tanaman pohon kurma juga di area Masjid Baiturrahmah.
The green light shines through the entire Masjid Baiturrahmah area. At that time, the ring fence firmly welcomed our arrival. The outside of Masjid Baiturrahmah there is a fountain. There are several palm tree plants also in the area of Masjid Baiturrahmah.
Ukiran bulan dan bintang terlihat begitu besar. Menara Masjid Baiturrahmah berdiri dengan sempurna. Kubah Masjid Baiturrahmah melengkung hingga palung hati para jamaahnya. Begitu indah dilihat indra kita.
The carving of Moon and star are looked so great. The Masjid Baiturrahmah Tower stands perfectly. The dome of the Baiturrahmah Mosque curved up to the troughs of the hearts of its pilgrims. So beautiful to see our senses.
Masjid Baiturrahmah ini berada di Jalan Prof. Dr. Hamka No.20 Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat yang merupakan salah satu tempat ibadah termegah di kota Minang. Masjid ini berada di kampus, yakni Universitas Baiturrahmah. Masjid Baiturrahmah merupakan pengembangan dari masjid kampus Universitas Baiturrahmah, yang sebelumnya bernama Masjid Jabal Rahmah. Sebelumnya masjid ini hanya diakses oleh mahasiswa, tidak oleh masyarakat. Hal ini disebabkan letaknya yang tidak begitu terlihat oleh masyarakat yang melintas di jalan by pass.
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The Green Light of Mosque of Baiturrahmah Padang, West Sumatera |
Masjid Baiturrahmah is located on Jalan Prof. Dr. Hamka No.20 Kota Padang, West Sumatera which is one of the grandest places of worship in the city of Minang. The mosque is located on campus, namely University of Baiturrahmah. Masjid Baiturrahmah is a development of the mosque of University of Baiturrahmah campus, formerly named Masjid Jabal Rahmah. Previously this mosque was only accessed by students, not by the community. This was due to the location that was not so visible to the people who pass the way.
Saat ini, Masjid Baiturrahmah tidak hanya dimanfaatkan oleh mahasiswa, bisa juga karyawan, keluarga pasien Rumah Sakit Islam Siti Rahmah dan masyarakat sekitar. Biaya pembangunan Masjid Baiturrahmah ini murni ditanggung oleh Pendiri Yayasan Baiturrahmah, H. Amran St Sidi Sulaiman. Masjid Baiturrahmah ini diresmikan langsung oleh Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla pada bulan Juni kemarin.
Now, Masjid Baiturrahmah is not only used by students, it can also employees, family patients of Hospital of Siti Rahmah Islamic and the surrounding community. The cost of building Masjid Baiturrahmah is borne solely by Founder of Baiturrahmah Foundation, H. Amran St. Sidi Sulaiman. Masjid Baiturrahmah was inaugurated directly by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla in June.
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There Are Palm Trees In Front Of The Mosque of Baiturrahmah |
Kalau dilihat, Masjid Baiturrahmah ini memiliki gaya arsitektur Timur Tengah dan banyak dikunjungi, seperti Masjid Raya Sumatera Barat. Cahaya hijau dari lentera Masjid Baiturrahmah membuat perbedaan dengan masjid-masjid lainnya. Pada siang hari, Masjid Baiturrahmah tampak begitu putih dan bersih.
If it is viewed, Masjid Baiturrahmah has a Middle Eastern architectural style and many visited, such as the Great Mosque of West Sumatra (Masjid Raya Sumatera Barat). The green light from the lanterns of the Masjid Baiturrahmah makes a difference with the other mosques. During the day, the Baiturrahmah Mosque looks so white and clean.
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My Friend, Rere Was Standing In Front Of The Mosque of Baiturrahmah Padang, West Sumatera |
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